Shareholders demand it.Sustainability. It's not just about "green." Your company needs to be sustainable for the long term, financially, socially and environmentally. A socially responsible business understands and manages its impact on customers, employees, shareholders, on their community and the environment. Increasingly, stakeholders want to know that a company is ethical, transparent and trustworthy. How can you ensure good corporate citizenship, without compromising financial and performance targets? Enter MastodonUnlike firms who approach sustainability from an activist perspective, Mastodon takes a real world business perspective to improve your social impact, and ultimately, your reputation. When a social issue is directly tied to your business strategy, you'll create more lasting impact, both to your company and society at large, giving you a strong competitive advantage. Mastodon helps you develop integrated social responsibility initiatives that support marketing, operational and HR objectives and deliver business results. Mastodon can help you get there with:
We identify opportunities for corporate social responsibility across the entire organization, through product development, procurement, operations, manufacturing, logistics, and customer relationships. You can capture the growing green customer base. You can implement operational efficiencies that save natural resources, while reducing your own costs. And you can increase employee and customer loyalty through pride in your growing reputation. It takes more than good intentions and strong leadership to integrate social and business needs. |